Monday, December 27, 2010

It's show time!

The kids got a musical instrument set for Christmas from my cousin and decided to put on a show... Enjoy!


Patrick saying "bye" is the cutest thing... all of a sudden he has a southern accent

And then at the end he realizes the camera is on and starts with his "cheese"

Josh playing cars

Day 26: Assemble and PLAY!!!!!

Enjoy some pictures of the kids enjoying a few of their gifts.


Christmas was a VERY long day for the kids, the gifts didn't seem to stop coming and by the end of the day the whole room seemed to be full of toys and clothes.  The children were truly blessed by all their family and friends... aka spoiled.  We are very thankful to everyone who got the kids a gift, it was very thoughtful and much appreciated!  Enjoy some highlights of our day.

Day 24: Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we allow the kids to pick one gift that is under the tree (prior to Santa's arrival) and open it before they go to bed.  Also we make sure to leave out cookies and milk for Santa as well as 9 big carrots for his reindeer (including Rudolph).

Picking out which gift to open

Josh found his

I made them wait till I could take a picture

The blanket I made her... she was so happy

Patrick loved his "Buzz" Tag Jr.

Checking it out while daddy opened it

While we were distracted... Josh attacked other gifts under the tree...
he was a gift monster

Cuddling with her new blanket... so warm!

Washing carrots for the reindeer

Milk and cookies for Santa... and for Lillie & Patrick too

Day 23: Bake cookies for Santa

Day 20: Make a Gingerbread House

We purchased a kit from Walmart which had everything for us to make an entire Gingerbread Village, the only requirements were that we made the frosting.  Patrick thought it was funny to eat the gingerbread pieces.  Lillie and I would be working on putting a house together and I would look up and find another bite mark out of a piece and he would just run away laughing.  He is quite a little stinker.

All the pieces laid out

Gregg & Lillie putting together the house

Gregg showing Lillie how to use the frosting

Assembled... before decorating

Lillie and her creations

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13: Take a Holiday Family Photo

Tonight we got all dressed up and had a family photo shoot.  We tried several different poses and tried a few silly ones as well.  This is the best of the best.. not too bad with 3 little ones, 2 dogs and a 10 second timer  :D

All of our children

This is my favorite