Memorable Lillie Quotes

Lillie:  I am an adult teenager, that is what you are called when you are 7, almost 10.

[after watching Shark Tank]
Lillie:  When I invent something it will be free!

Lillie:  Patrick, you need to just stare at your wall and it is so boring you will fall asleep, that is what I do.

[after winning a shower gel at a baby shower]
Lillie: I'm gonna smell so good daddy's gonna sweat his feet off!

Lillie: What is the difference between an alligator and crocodile?
Mom: I don't know.
Lillie:  Ugh!  You need to know everything.

Lillie:  I miss Aunt Kailin so much I'm gonna hug her until her eyes sparkle.
[a couple days later]
Lillie: Aunt Kailin I love your eyes.  They are still sparkling from my hug.

Aunt Sue: Lille you are starting to look more like your mom.
Lillie: I know, it's cuz I look at her all year long!!

[dressed in her Sunday best]
Me: Lillie, that might be too fancy for school.
Lillie: I know, I'm always the fanciest person there!
Me: [chuckle] I bet you are!

Lillie: I wish the boys would just sleep all day like Joel.  Just wake up, get a drink and go back to sleep.

email from Lillie's kindergarten teacher:
Hi Mrs. Morin,
I thought you like to know that Lillie announced your age today in class.  She said you were 81 years old.  I said "Lillie I don't think so." and she said "something old like that."

[when I was 8 months pregnant with Isaac]
Lillie: Mommy what is that red circle around your belly?
Me: It is from my pants, they are too tight.
Lillie: You can't wear pants anymore, that is your only option.
Me: OK!

[out of no where]
Lillie: Speaking of rainbows, I'm really hungry for a rainbow.
Me: What do you mean by that?
Lillie: Oh just never mind mom, you don't understand?

Lillie: Daddy you better not lie to me or you will to seat in two time outs.  Remember?

<5 minutes after I put her to bed>
Lillie: (screaming down from her bed) MOM what comes after 90?
Me: 91
Lillie: What comes after 91?
Me: Go to bed Lillie!
Lillie: I can't, I need to count to 100 first.

Lillie: Can't we just call both boys Josh, it is too hard to remember their names.
Me: I don't think Patrick would like that.
Lillie: ugh... but it would be so much easier for me!

<at 10:30am>
Lillie: What's for breakfast?
Me:  Lillie, we have already eaten breakfast and had snack, you are not eating again till lunch time.
Lillie: Is it lunch time?

<while eating icescream>
Lillie: I'm so freezing, I'm melting.

Grandma Schonert: Did Santa bring you everything you wanted?
Lillie: <pause> um... Not really.

Me: Lillie you need to go to the bathroom before quiet time.
Lillie: I don't have to go.
Me: Just try.
Lillie: I don't have to go.
Lillie: Stop saying that!
Me: Just try.
Lillie: I'm gonna tell Daddy you are mad at me.
<while laying in bed>
Lillie: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! No mom, NO!  Daddy come back, mommy is being mean. ahhhhhhhh Dad!

Me: How was Sunday School today Lillie, did you have fun?
Lillie: Today at Cindy's School in Canada we made an angle puppet.
<Gregg and I just looked at each other and busted out laughing, FYI, we were not in Canada>

<after coming in from outside>
Lillie: I was freezing like a pickle!

Lillie: No I wasn't lying, I was pretending!

Lillie: I think Patrick is pooping because he is growling at me.

<while looking through the toy catalog>
Lillie: I want this kitchen!
Me: That is a lot of money.
Lillie: Oh we are not going to get it at the store, Santa is going to bring it!
Me: Oh... ok

Lillie: Couldn't we just take our car to take a walk?
Me: Lillie, then it wouldn't be a walk, it would be a drive.
Lillie: So!

Lillie: That's how I roll!

Me: Looks like you had a good nap.
Lillie: Yeah, I was sweating like a mailbox.

Me: Who said you could have pop?
Lillie: My tummy did!

<looking at a picture Lillie drew>
Me: Is that an eyeball?
Lillie: No.
Me: Well, what is it then?
Lillie: Uh... I think it is an eyeball.
Lillie: No... it is a circle ladder.
(I will post a picture of the her drawing when I get a chance... you will understand it better then)

<describing her new Barbie to me>
Lillie: Her boobies are even covered.  Good for you Barbie!!

<in the car on the way home from the store>
Lillie: I thought we were going home?
Me: We are.
Lillie: No we aren't, we are on the Canada road.
Me: What is the Canada road?
Lillie: The road that takes us to Canada.

Me: Who let these flies in?
Lillie: I did, I just opened the door and let them in.
Me: Why would you do that?
Lillie: Cuz I like them, cuz they are cute, they are so little.

Me: Lillie please tell me you didn't just get pudding on the couch.
Lillie: It's not!
Me: Well, what is it?
Lillie: I don't know, I just know its not pudding, you tell me.
Me: You tell me, you are the one sitting right next to it.
<smells the spot>
Lillie: I think its pudding.

Lillie: Daddy you have a big nose.
Gregg: Is that a bad thing?
Lillie: No, you just didn't stop growing, you just kept eating and eating and eating.

Lillie: Mommy how did they get the camera inside your tummy to take a picture when I was a baby in your tummy?

<after watching an infomercial>
Lillie: I want to get shoes under for my shoes.  I need them because I have a lot of shoes. It is only 10 dollars for two of them.  Please!

Lillie: I don't want to grow up because I will rip apart.

Lillie: I sound like a boy.
Me: What would you like me to do about it?
Lillie: I need oil, kid's oil, that will make me sound like a girl again.

Me: Lillie wanna help make some brownies.
Lillie: Yeah sure!
Me: Oh no, I don't have my brownie pan.
Lillie: This is terrible!

Lillie: I farted at you!  (ran away laughing)
<5 minutes later>
Lillie: I farted at the table! (ran away laughing)

Lillie: Mom could you turn the music down, I'm gonna take a little rest.
Me: Why don't you wait till we get home because it will be bed time.
Lillie: Oh I'm not tired.

Lillie (while on the toilet): I'm a poopin' and a groovin'

Lillie: Mommy, what makes babies true?
Me: God puts the babies in the mommy's tummies.
Lillie: How did he get them in your tummy when we can't see him?
Me: uh.....uh....

Lillie: Mom I'm done... MOM I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Ok, you ready for me to wipe?
Lillie: I'm not done...

Me: What were you eating out in the baseball field?
Lillie: DIRT
Me: Why?
Lillie: Because it is good for me!

Lillie: Mom, I'm not kidding, you are suppose to listen to me!

Lillie: Why do ponies have two eyes?

Lillie: I want a big breakfast.
Me: We are not going to McDonald's to get a big breakfast.
Lillie: Ok, how 'bout a little breakfast?

Lillie: My foot is hurting.
Me: You are falling apart.
Lillie: I can't be falling apart, I'm in my carseat and I'm gonna be 4.
(later that day)
Gregg: Lillie stop being so silly.
Lillie: I can't be silly cuz mommy said I was ripping apart.

Gregg: Stop talking and eat your lunch.
Lillie: I will stop talking when you stop talking Daddy.

Lillie (while playing with her Barbies): Momma, can you help me with her shoes, they are so small and my hands are so so big.

Lillie: Daddy told me at dinner time that I was an eating machine, I don't want to be a eating machine because I want to be a snake killer.

Lillie: After nap time can we go to the store and pick out bras for me?  For me?
Me: Why
Lillie: So everybody doesn't see my... these (points to her boobies), when I where my dresses.