Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Joshua!!!!!!

For Joshua's birthday we went to Rainforest Cafe with Sasha, Papa Don, Grandpo Franko, Vicky, Uncle Jake, Uncle Nate and Annette, plus the 5 in our family.  The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves and we topped off our evening with the Volcano dessert!!!

Now that Josh is 1 he is louder than ever before!  Josh has one volume level and it is LOUD!!!  Probably so he can be heard over every one else in the family  :)  Since about 11 months he has been cruising around and has just started to figure out how to run, that is until he falls on his face.  But he takes it like a champ, nothing phases this boy.  He has fallen down steps, been pushed over by siblings, fallen off chairs, you name it he has probably survived it without even a tear.  He is my rough and tough boy (complete opposite of his brother).

refusing to wear his hat

Using his teeth to open his present

Being goofy at Rain Forest Cafe

Sorry the video is kinda dark because the restaurant was kinda dark but it is Josh clapping for his ice-cream.

Oh my gosh!

How did another month go by without me posting anything.  The month of March was semi busy for us.  We celebrated Joshua's First Birthday!!!!!  Which was very exciting but also bittersweet because my baby is not a baby anymore, he is very much a toddler and getting into EVERYTHING!!! We also took a trip up to Mall of America.  This was a trial run for our much longer trip to Florida in June.  After a 5 hour installation by Gregg we have a TV/DVD player in the back of van for the kids.  This was a life saver.  They managed the 12 hour drive like champs.  Little do they know 12 hours will only get us about half way to Florida.

Right around the corner we are having a party for all 3 kids at our house.  Then the following week we will officially celebrate Patrick's 2nd Birthday, which happens to be the day right before Easter.  And of course we can't forget about Lillie, only because she won't let you.  Her 5th birthday is only 42 days away.  Then there is the BIG countdown... 64 days till we leave for Florida!!! Can't wait to spend some quality time with family!!!

If only this weather could decide to warm up and STAY warm then I would be a happy camper!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Our lap around the rink

Gregg has been such a terrible father this winter... Lillie just finally got on the ice for the first time since late summer.  After getting her prepped to go out there and skate she lasted one time around and wanted off.  I think the mistake we made was we took her to a rink that is adjacent to a large arcade.  She thought when she was done she was gonna get to play.  The boys seemed to enjoy themselves though.  Patrick was thrilled to put on her helmet and skate around a few times with Gregg.  Joshua enjoyed watching all the people skate and banging on the glass.  I think it is safe to say she will not be our little hockey player, I told Gregg to put his efforts into the boys.

All ready to go

Patrick anxiously watching Lillie

Patrick got his turn

Josh banging away
Loving the helmet

They did like watching everyone else

A tease of weather to come!

We had a warm day not to long along, the kids got to get out on the deck and play.  The snow hadn't melted from the grass yet but our deck is large enough for them to have a good time... that is after I shoveled the snow the previous day for at least an hour off the deck.  Totally worth it though to get some fresh air!

Sunday morning paper

Sunday morning I get the paper so I can clip the coupons... in order to keep the boys out of my hair I let them browse the ads.  They love to rip up all the paper and make a big mess.  Every once in a while Patrick will see something that he wants and has to show me.  It is so cute one Sunday I got the camera out and took pictures... enjoy!

Its time to bounce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For Lillie's third birthday we bought her a bouncy house and have put it to good use.  For some reason though it took me all winter before I actually set it up in our basement for the kids to play in.  Good thing I did because it burns off some energy and they all love it!!!  It takes up their entire play area in the basement but it is totally worth it, plus we don't play down there anyway in the winter because it is so cold.

Crazy shenanigans!

With it being Winter the kids have been locked up inside a lot and some days things get a little weird... enjoy!

fighting over the swords
photo by Lillie
Joshua vacuuming... he is obsessed
cheering on Da Bears
Yeah... he is in the band
oh Joshua!
This kid is so weird sometimes
we figured out Patrick fit in the shopping cart
and so does Josh!!!
believe it or not... no one got hurt
Patrick wanted to be pushed
different day... same boots
this didn't end well!

Blizzard of 2011

Yeah... yeah... yeah  I know everyone knows we were hit with a bunch of snow but I figured I might as well share the pictures we took of what it looked like around our house as well as the kids attempting to play in it.

Yes Lillie insisted we swing

AND... slide

most of the snow was taller Patrick

We built a tunnel

coming out of the tunnel

Patrick attempting the tunnel

Quick pause before he commits

Yeah... he did it

Gregg had to shovel a dog run

Our deck

My crazy kids!

He got stuck in there... took both Gregg and I to get him out