Monday, October 29, 2012

Trick or Treat

"Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat"

"Ok, let me see your stinky feet!"

Patrick didn't know what to say to the guy who told him that.  Needless to say, he only said Trick or Treat afterwards.

So many great memories this year during Halloween I wanted to make sure I captured the memories somehow.  I figured what better way then to blog about it.

First of all, it is a miracle Joshua even had a costume on.  The last two events we went to he ripped off his costume before we got out of the house.  This time Gregg put him in something that zipped up the back which meant he couldn't take it off without help.  Once we were outside and on our way he completely forgot about it all.

Joshua battled with temptation every time someone dropped something new into his bucket.  He wanted to eat it and he wanted to eat it NOW!    When given the opportunity to pick, Joshua would sift through buckets trying to find something green, which is his favorite color.  If someone gave him a piece of candy that wasn't green he kinda just looked at it and them put it back and would start searching.  Very cute but quite confusing for the people at the door.

Poor Patrick just wanted to ring a doorbell but his big fire fighter boots slowed him down and Joshua beat him to the door every time.  There was a lot of crying going on.  As soon as we finally got Joshua to share the doorbell ringing with Patrick someone opens their door before Patrick reached the doorbell.  He just turned around and looked at me and started crying.  The poor lady at the door didn't know what the heck was going on.  

No worries though, Patrick was all smiles when he came across another fellow fire fighter (an adult) who got super excited to see a kid dressed as a fire fighter that he grabbed two big handfuls of candy and dumped them into Patrick's bucket.  Patrick looked down and then said "Yah! kitty kats!"  KitKats are his favorite and now his bucket was full of them.

As Gregg and I were walking with the kids we remembered a fond memory we had of Lillie's third Halloween.  We had told her to grab 3 pieces; one for her, one for mommy and one for daddy.  Being the good little girl she is, she followed our directions to a "T."  We were just not ready for her to repeat us word for word OUTLOUD while grabbing her candy.  Talk about embarrassment! 

Happy Halloween from my little Tigger, Power Ranger, FireFigther and Witch.  
We hope you have just as memorable a Halloween as we did.  
Stay safe!