Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First ever attempt at blogging.

Let's see how this thing works.  I am going to attempt to blog to keep friends and family up to date with what goes on with my little family.  I say little family but I have been told that in today's society 3 children does not equal little, we classify as a large family.  Lillie is now 4 years, Patrick 15 months and Joshua 5 months.  Yes that is right my boys are only 10 months and 1 week apart.  I myself didn't even know such a thing can happen until it did.  They are officially Irish Twins and I will be the first to say I think having twins would have been much easier.  Who knows maybe next time we will get blessed with twins.

Here are the boys with their matching Big/Little Brother PJs

Today we will attempt to go to the library and get signed up for a library card.  As far as I have seen online I am not too impressed with our local library.  They do not have many programs that I could bring all 3 children to, what am I suppose to do; leave two at home to take care of each other, pay a babysitter... geesh what is a mama to do. 

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