Thursday, September 9, 2010

My baby is 6 months old! When did that happen?

I took Joshua in today to get his 6 month pictures taken.  I can not believe that it has already been 6 months, at times it feels like it has flown by but as I sit back and think about all that has happened since his birth it feels like a lifetime.  Despite being born 4 weeks early Joshua is hitting all his developmental milestones; sitting by himself, grabbing his toes, babbling and I can see it in his eyes that he is about ready to crawl.  I am not looking forward to the day that Joshua becomes mobile.  It is so nice knowing that when I sit Joshua down that he will be in the same spot when I come back.  The day that I go from one toddler to two toddlers is the day that I lose my sanity.  I know it sounds horrible but we are not encouraging Joshua to become mobile in any way, when it happens it happens.  Enjoy some pictures from his 6 month photo shoot.

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