Saturday, May 5, 2012

I've been inspired...

I've been inspired to attempt to keep up with my blog again.  The original purpose of the blog was to keep a sort of online journal of our family during these fast, blurred years so that I didn't lose precious memories.  Also to share with all our friends and family who don't get to see us often.  I realized my last post was Joshua's first birthday, since then we have celebrated Joshua's second birthday, Patrick's second and third birthday and Lillie's 5th birthday with her 6th birthday only 2 weeks away.  We also welcomed Isaac Thomas into our family on March 30.  Which gives us three little boys aged three and under.  Lillie also started kindergarten last fall and I completely missed her whole first year of school memories, school friends and wonderful sayings.  I'm just kicking myself for missing all these amazing memories.  So I'm back, sharing memories and more crazy things that Lillie says.  I have also added a page "Memorable Patrick Quotes" and you will be happy to hear he says some crazy things too, I just gotta start writing them down.

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