Monday, May 7, 2012

Our first fire

This morning while I was attempting to go to the bathroom I heard our stove burner start to click as if someone was trying to light it.  I hurried into the kitchen to find that Joshua had started the stove and lit a plastic container with cupcakes and my oven mit on fire.  I quickly fanned out the flame.  Thank God I was able to stop the fire and no one was hurt expect the poor chocolate cupcakes that I didn't even get to try :(

Lessons learned from today's mishap: 
1. keep a fire extinguisher handy (note to self, buy a fire extinguisher)
2. remove stove knobs (since the childproof covers obviously don't work)
3. never keep anything on the stove
4. always pee with the door open so I can hear ALL noises
5. never take my eyes off of a ridiculously smart 2 year on a mission for some cupcakes
6. always eat cupcakes immediately after they enter the house because you never know what will happen to them

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