Thursday, September 30, 2010

A trip to the farm!

This past weekend the family took a trip to Jerry Smith's Pumpkin Farm.  As a lover of fall this is a family tradition of ours to visit the pumpkin farm.  We had an awesome time checking out the displays, visiting the animals, playing on the playground and going for a hayride.  Later that day we visited a pumpkin patch.  This was the first time I went into the patch and picked the pumpkins right off the vine.  We all had so much fun doing this and I can't wait to do it again.
Family pic with the llama

Patrick, Gregg & Lillie

3 amigos

Hannah, Patrick & Lillie

Checking out the Captain Hook & Tinkerbell display

Patrick, Savanna, Joshua & Lillie

Lillie petting the donkey

Patrick wasn't too sure about the animals

Peek a Boo

Joshua... sitting all by himself!

The boys checking out pumpkins

Beautiful, rainbow butterflies!
Enjoying themselves on the hayride

Lillie on the hayride

Sitting in the pumpkin patch

He loved sitting on all the pumpkins, and rolling them

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hold on Josh, you are going for a ride!

I have a feeling that I will be saying these words way to often.... "Hold on Josh"
Patrick was so excited to give his brother a ride, poor Josh has no idea what is about to happen.
Patrick had to stop to show Josh the horn, so cute, he is such a good big brother.
Josh's look is priceless!

America's Favorite Pastime

This past summer Patrick developed a deep love for baseball.  The boy will carry around a bat and ball with him everywhere he goes.  And when I say bat and ball, I mean anything that may resemble a bat and anything in a circular shape.  Items I have caught him using as a bat; microphone stand, hockey stick, wooded spoon, golf club, remote control, and of course an actual bat (in any size). When I see Patrick headed my direction with his bat and ball I know exactly what he is looking for, he wants me to be his tee.  He expects me to hold the ball with my hand so he can hit it.  He has even tried giving the ball to Josh to hold.  Josh of course happily took the ball and begun to chew on it, while Patrick took his bat and swung away.  This was quickly halted before I had my first heart attack.  Needless to say Patrick's love for baseball absolutely makes me one happy camper, I just hope he continues to have love for the game as he gets older.

Second video is him getting angry because the ball won't stay on the tee
We just need a little lower of a tee
He loves his baseball hats too!
Beginning of summer with his bat and ball

Big Girl Bike

After several weeks of Lillie wanting us to take off her training wheels, we finally gave in and let her try.  She couldn't quite put everything together; balancing, pedaling and keeping her eyes up.  Once we reminded her to pedal she lost her balance, or as soon as we told her to watch where she was going she would lose her balance.  She gave it a good try but I'm sure she will not be riding solo for awhile.

She was screaming!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My baby is 6 months old! When did that happen?

I took Joshua in today to get his 6 month pictures taken.  I can not believe that it has already been 6 months, at times it feels like it has flown by but as I sit back and think about all that has happened since his birth it feels like a lifetime.  Despite being born 4 weeks early Joshua is hitting all his developmental milestones; sitting by himself, grabbing his toes, babbling and I can see it in his eyes that he is about ready to crawl.  I am not looking forward to the day that Joshua becomes mobile.  It is so nice knowing that when I sit Joshua down that he will be in the same spot when I come back.  The day that I go from one toddler to two toddlers is the day that I lose my sanity.  I know it sounds horrible but we are not encouraging Joshua to become mobile in any way, when it happens it happens.  Enjoy some pictures from his 6 month photo shoot.